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Love in the Rain

Composer: Justin Namara
Author: Justin Namara
Mixer: Justin Namara
Video: Dgs Event Records
Motion Design: Dgs Event Records

℗ 2254142 Dgs Event Records

Raindrops on my windowpane
Walking through the city streets
Clouds above and hearts so still
Searching for a love that's real

Umbrella in my hand so tight
Lonely shadows in the night
Puddles form and sighs escape
Dreams of love I can't forsake

In the rain we found our way
Love was born on this gray day
Thunder roared
But hearts stayed true
In the rain
I fell for you

Lightning flashes
Skies so dark
But I felt that sudden spark
Worries washed like tears away
Hand in hand
We faced the gray

Stormy skies and soaked through shoes
But with you
I can't feel blue
Every step a dance we made
Loving you in each cascade

In the rain we found our way
Love was born on this gray day
Thunder roared
But hearts stayed true
In the rain
I fell for you

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